My Love Affair with ROI

ROI is my way of justifying everything and anything that I want to purchase. It’s all about usage divided by cost or Return on Investment. Shoes you want? Jewelry? Electronics? Even home appliances and gadgets look better with a quick ROI calculation. (Lately I have heard it referred to as CPW for us ladies, or Cost Per Wear.) So, let’s look at three quick things:

  • How much is it?
  • How many times will I actually use it?
  • What is the daily use per day cost?

For two years I carried the same bag, it was starting to show signs of wear and a new one was definitely in order. Since I had applied ROI logic to my previous bag – Every time I thought about purchasing a new handbag, I recalculated my ROI and decided I could keep it longer.

Here’s my calculations:

kate spade ROI Comparison velmamarie

I actually ended up doing better this time around since I found it on an impromptu friends and family sale up in NYC! If used right ROI can be a great tool for rationalizing purchases and making sure you are able to get your investment worth out of them. That is, as long as you keep rational about those investments~


*UPDATE! I actually STOPPED carrying my Nadine and went back to Margot in June of 2013. So, even though my ROI for the Nadine is higher – the lower Margot makes it worth it!




Suburbia dweller, organizational nerd & ninja, lover of coffee & author of SuburbanCents~

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